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Concerning Products Made in China, Quality precedes.
2019-10-29 12:19:40返回上一页

On January 25, 2016, Dalian Quality and Technical Supervision Work Conference was held at Bangluo Island Hotel, and Liu Yan, deputy mayor of Dalian, attended the meeting. Vice Mayor Liu Yan delivered an important speech on the quality and technology supervision work of the city, and personally awarded honorary certificates and medals to the three companies that received the “Dalian Mayor Quality Award” from Dalian Tire Factory Co., Ltd. Vice Mayor Liu Yan hopes that the award-winning enterprises will cherish the honor, innovate and create brilliance. At the same time, they hope that the enterprises or organizations in the city will follow the example of the award-winning enterprises, and strive to pursue excellence and actively create core competitiveness, which is fast and good for the city. Development contributes!

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